Network LookOut Administrator Professional allows monitoring the screens of remote computers. Likewise, it supports performing a series of remote administration tasks, such as powering computers on, locking a workstation, disabling printing, blocking applications, muting sounds and securing access via USB.
Notice that the installing package contains two different tools. In this respect, there is the console intended for management. Likewise, there is the client agent, which is installed on workstations to support communication with the console. Luckily, you do not need to install the agent locally, as remote installation is possible via the console as well. It is also good to know that the client is protected with a password to prevent users from tampering with it.
An important step is adding the remote computers to the console, which you can do individually or by scanning the network. The client computers are shown as thumbnails on the Remote Screens tab. Additionally, there is a quick menu to perform operations directly on the selected clients. These operations include zooming the remote screen, enabling remote control and taking screenshots.
Network LookOut Administrator Professional is part of a family that comprises other three products: Net Monitor for Employees, Net Monitor for Employees Professional and Network LookOut Administrator. If we compare it with Net Monitor for Employees Professional, the most complete in the set, Network LookOut Administrator Professional lacks some features, like recording client screens, blocking Internet access, messaging, desktop sharing, sending or collecting files and monitoring via cloud.
All in all, Network LookOut Administrator Professional can help you boost productivity in your organization by monitoring the activities of employees or students to prevent unauthorized usage of computers and networks. Likewise, it can be used to provide technical assistance at a distance. Fortunately, this product is absolutely free to try.